Wednesday, April 20, 2011

everything at once

Hey friends!
It has been a minute since I wrote last, so there are somethings to update you on.

Note: everything has been happening at once, hence the title... but I will refrain from telling you everything.

first part :) 4/17
First, Dance Marathon 2011 is over... weird and sad! I can't believe how fast it went.

I am so proud of so many people and to be a part of this organization and the morale committee was a complete honor!
I am extremely sad to say that I did not apply for steering this year, but I knew deep down it wasn't the right thing for me at this time. It is hard to make decisions like that, but it was necessary for me. Anyway, so many friends of mine are on steering this coming year and I could not be more excited for them! They are going to blow it away and I am excited to see them: struggle, learn, grow, and come out stronger! They are so dedicated to THE KIDS and it is amazing. So, congratulations to those who are on steering and work hard! :) As for me, I am going to do some resting my senior year and focus on these ridiculous math classes who never seem to plateau, they only get harder. Me and DM, yeah we aren't over. I love that organization so much and my heart will always be tied to it. I hope to bike this year!

Second Part :) 4/24
I just got home from church with my mom and grandma and it was a great time to see people from home that I haven't seen in awhile as well as my friends who continually lift me up and encourage me. It is EASTER! I am just overflowing with celebration and love for Jesus and His awesome victory of death! Because of Him we can live a full life, that we don't deserve! So incredibly grateful. HE IS RISEN!!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter and rememebers the real reason we celebrate... the LOVE of Jesus Christ.. our savior!

Yesterday I had a wonderful day with my mom. It was so good to just have girl time and do a little shopping and spend quality time together.
Then, I got so see some friends from home... miss them so much! We just hungout for a little downtown and took some pictures and got some Whit's Custard (super delicious). It was enjoyable to just have fun, talk and just be with each other.

I feel like I have been learning so much recently about love. It sounds weird, but I think that God continually changes my perspective of what it means to love a person. Afterall, He is the creator of love. He first loved us and to work to love people that way is a challenge that we will always fail to do the way He does. But, we can try and learn and see what it means to love as Jesus loved. I am so drawn to love like that and want people to feel that love. On this awesome day of celebrating Jesus's victory, lets remember what LOVE really looks like.

Father, I pray for all those who don't know you. I pray that they would hear the good news of your Son, Jesus. I pray that you would meet them where they are at. I ask for your love to flow through me and those who desire to love like you love, Father. Thank you for your Son, Father.., and His victory over death. Thank you for setting us free from something we could never have helped. Help us to love as you love, Father. In your Son's awesome name. Amen.

I love you friends and I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

In love,

Below is a picture of my one of my best friends, Emily, and I :)

Who is this Maddy Brown character?

My photo
United States
I am guessing you want to know what I do! Well, I am a college student, daughter, sister, friend, and lover of Jesus Christ. Loving people is a passion of mine! Contact me by email: if you would like to see some of my work go here: