Saturday, August 27, 2011

dismantle. repair.

so, disregard the horrible formatting, grammer, and all around rough writing.

first thing that came to your mind (if you are a fan of their music is anberlin).
I feel like this is how life can be sometimes. God strips us down and makes us rely on Him. Then, he can teach us and "repair" us in ways we can never/ would never imagine! He is always working, dismantaling and repairing. He uses so many people to help in this process and I have seen the different people He is using in my life really show their love and support for me. I could never have expected some people to show how much they really care for me and anything that i have to say. I know I have not posted in so long, but I am sitting here at work until 4 and felt the urge blog. I have had lots of time to reflect on life these last few hours. I have done work, dont get me wrong... but things where I could think and reflect. So, bottom line. I have been dismantled and am now being repaired. I have seen the beautiful people God has blessed me with and I am beyond grateful for them (YOU!!). thank you friends for letting God show His love through you. I am excited for this year and all that God has in store. praying for God to show you His love and for you to see it!

in His beautiful love,

Who is this Maddy Brown character?

My photo
United States
I am guessing you want to know what I do! Well, I am a college student, daughter, sister, friend, and lover of Jesus Christ. Loving people is a passion of mine! Contact me by email: if you would like to see some of my work go here: