so, disregard the horrible formatting, grammer, and all around rough writing.
first thing that came to your mind (if you are a fan of their music is anberlin).
I feel like this is how life can be sometimes. God strips us down and makes us rely on Him. Then, he can teach us and "repair" us in ways we can never/ would never imagine! He is always working, dismantaling and repairing. He uses so many people to help in this process and I have seen the different people He is using in my life really show their love and support for me. I could never have expected some people to show how much they really care for me and anything that i have to say. I know I have not posted in so long, but I am sitting here at work until 4 and felt the urge blog. I have had lots of time to reflect on life these last few hours. I have done work, dont get me wrong... but things where I could think and reflect. So, bottom line. I have been dismantled and am now being repaired. I have seen the beautiful people God has blessed me with and I am beyond grateful for them (YOU!!). thank you friends for letting God show His love through you. I am excited for this year and all that God has in store. praying for God to show you His love and for you to see it!
in His beautiful love,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
the biggest blessing...
Good Afternoon friends,
I am glad some sun came out today! It is still chilly, but I will take what I can get! :) There is something about a Wednesday-- its like everyone has hope for finishing out the week! I can understand that, after working as an office secretary in the summers for 6 years, and now sitting in a cubical for this summer. It gives me hope for the weekend coming soon! :) I hope that today finds you joyful and ready for the next two days of work, and then hopefully a fun filled weekend. If not, I hope it starts to look up, and that you look for the positive! :)
I have really realized the negativity that can surround us when we are going through hard times, or when something doesn't go the way we thought it was going to. I feel that I have been blessed with the ability to look at a situation positively, but I am surely not perfect and have felt myself looking at situations with worst outcome in mind lately. But, I was recently blessed with the opportunity to see a mom, dad, and daughter interact. The father brought the daughter to work to visit her mom. She had been asking to go in all day and so he brought her. The mom had so much work to do, and could have easily given into her work and visited with the family for only a couple minutes. But, she took a break, and spent time with her family. When they left, she looked so refreshed and happy. She mentioned that she had a lot to do, but if she put her mind to it, she would meet her deadlines. What a good attitude. Why are we always in a rush, not wanting to give our time away? It was so beautiful to see them interact and just visit with each other. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It reminded me of a few different things. 1. to be thankful for the relationships in my life and the people who love me and appreciate me 2. to be aware of my time and how I use it to love the people around me 3. work will always be there to greet you and take away some of your time, but family and friends may not... we must cherish them!
In saying that, it is hard to be away from my family right now. I miss them so much. It is my first full summer away from them and I know it is going to be different. It kinda feels like I have moved out for good (even though I have more than half of my stuff still at our house). But, as I have gone through school, I have come to realize how crucial it is to have family. They are the strongest support you will have here on earth. In saying that, family is not always those you are born into, it can be the ones you choose to be in your life. The people who will never leave you are your family. I am so incredibly thankful for that. I feel like family sees deeper. They know you very well. They do not look at you the same way the rest of the world looks at you. They know your heart (not all of it, of course, only God knows it all.. :)); but they truly do look at you differently. I have seen this in my "family" which consists of my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother, etc... and my friends. This reminds of scripture.
"The LORD does not loot at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
Our families are not perfect, but I realized that God did bless us with people in our lives who show His love everyday by looking at us differently than the typical person. They look at us in a small fraction of the way God does. He doesn't look at us from the outside (although he made us perfect in that image as well) but from the inside; the heart. He looks at our intentions, our true meaning in what we do. Isn't that the way our family looks at us (most of the time)? I think it is, whether we realize it or not. Our families are a beautiful gift that we need to cherish. Those relationships are not like any other we have on earth. Whether your family is blood, or those you have chosen to be in your life, they will be there. And, they will love you for who you are, and what is deep inside you.
I have been seriously blessed with a strong, loving, beautiful, and God filled family. A family that God reveals himself through everyday. A family that is drawing closer to God everyday. I appreciate my family so much and I know I do not deserve them, but I am grateful for the blessing of having them. I feel challenged to let my family know that they are cherished and loved as well. I hope you will join me in showing/ telling your family how much you love and appreciate them?
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week friends!
I appreciate YOU in my life!
In His Love,
I am glad some sun came out today! It is still chilly, but I will take what I can get! :) There is something about a Wednesday-- its like everyone has hope for finishing out the week! I can understand that, after working as an office secretary in the summers for 6 years, and now sitting in a cubical for this summer. It gives me hope for the weekend coming soon! :) I hope that today finds you joyful and ready for the next two days of work, and then hopefully a fun filled weekend. If not, I hope it starts to look up, and that you look for the positive! :)
I have really realized the negativity that can surround us when we are going through hard times, or when something doesn't go the way we thought it was going to. I feel that I have been blessed with the ability to look at a situation positively, but I am surely not perfect and have felt myself looking at situations with worst outcome in mind lately. But, I was recently blessed with the opportunity to see a mom, dad, and daughter interact. The father brought the daughter to work to visit her mom. She had been asking to go in all day and so he brought her. The mom had so much work to do, and could have easily given into her work and visited with the family for only a couple minutes. But, she took a break, and spent time with her family. When they left, she looked so refreshed and happy. She mentioned that she had a lot to do, but if she put her mind to it, she would meet her deadlines. What a good attitude. Why are we always in a rush, not wanting to give our time away? It was so beautiful to see them interact and just visit with each other. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It reminded me of a few different things. 1. to be thankful for the relationships in my life and the people who love me and appreciate me 2. to be aware of my time and how I use it to love the people around me 3. work will always be there to greet you and take away some of your time, but family and friends may not... we must cherish them!
In saying that, it is hard to be away from my family right now. I miss them so much. It is my first full summer away from them and I know it is going to be different. It kinda feels like I have moved out for good (even though I have more than half of my stuff still at our house). But, as I have gone through school, I have come to realize how crucial it is to have family. They are the strongest support you will have here on earth. In saying that, family is not always those you are born into, it can be the ones you choose to be in your life. The people who will never leave you are your family. I am so incredibly thankful for that. I feel like family sees deeper. They know you very well. They do not look at you the same way the rest of the world looks at you. They know your heart (not all of it, of course, only God knows it all.. :)); but they truly do look at you differently. I have seen this in my "family" which consists of my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother, etc... and my friends. This reminds of scripture.
"The LORD does not loot at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
Our families are not perfect, but I realized that God did bless us with people in our lives who show His love everyday by looking at us differently than the typical person. They look at us in a small fraction of the way God does. He doesn't look at us from the outside (although he made us perfect in that image as well) but from the inside; the heart. He looks at our intentions, our true meaning in what we do. Isn't that the way our family looks at us (most of the time)? I think it is, whether we realize it or not. Our families are a beautiful gift that we need to cherish. Those relationships are not like any other we have on earth. Whether your family is blood, or those you have chosen to be in your life, they will be there. And, they will love you for who you are, and what is deep inside you.
I have been seriously blessed with a strong, loving, beautiful, and God filled family. A family that God reveals himself through everyday. A family that is drawing closer to God everyday. I appreciate my family so much and I know I do not deserve them, but I am grateful for the blessing of having them. I feel challenged to let my family know that they are cherished and loved as well. I hope you will join me in showing/ telling your family how much you love and appreciate them?
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week friends!
I appreciate YOU in my life!
In His Love,
Monday, May 16, 2011
Summaaa Time!
I am working for the President's Leadership Academy this summer and I am so super excited about it. I am the summer intern and I am just doing miscellanious tasks.
I get to meet the new cohort and build relationships with them. I am excited for this leadership role!
Here are some recent pictures to share.
I have not been doing a lot of professional shooting, just some random fun stuff lately.


:) Hope you are well friends!
Much love,
I am working for the President's Leadership Academy this summer and I am so super excited about it. I am the summer intern and I am just doing miscellanious tasks.
I get to meet the new cohort and build relationships with them. I am excited for this leadership role!
Here are some recent pictures to share.
I have not been doing a lot of professional shooting, just some random fun stuff lately.
:) Hope you are well friends!
Much love,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
everything at once
Hey friends!
It has been a minute since I wrote last, so there are somethings to update you on.
Note: everything has been happening at once, hence the title... but I will refrain from telling you everything.
first part :) 4/17
First, Dance Marathon 2011 is over... weird and sad! I can't believe how fast it went.
I am so proud of so many people and to be a part of this organization and the morale committee was a complete honor!
I am extremely sad to say that I did not apply for steering this year, but I knew deep down it wasn't the right thing for me at this time. It is hard to make decisions like that, but it was necessary for me. Anyway, so many friends of mine are on steering this coming year and I could not be more excited for them! They are going to blow it away and I am excited to see them: struggle, learn, grow, and come out stronger! They are so dedicated to THE KIDS and it is amazing. So, congratulations to those who are on steering and work hard! :) As for me, I am going to do some resting my senior year and focus on these ridiculous math classes who never seem to plateau, they only get harder. Me and DM, yeah we aren't over. I love that organization so much and my heart will always be tied to it. I hope to bike this year!
Second Part :) 4/24
I just got home from church with my mom and grandma and it was a great time to see people from home that I haven't seen in awhile as well as my friends who continually lift me up and encourage me. It is EASTER! I am just overflowing with celebration and love for Jesus and His awesome victory of death! Because of Him we can live a full life, that we don't deserve! So incredibly grateful. HE IS RISEN!!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter and rememebers the real reason we celebrate... the LOVE of Jesus Christ.. our savior!
Yesterday I had a wonderful day with my mom. It was so good to just have girl time and do a little shopping and spend quality time together.
Then, I got so see some friends from home... miss them so much! We just hungout for a little downtown and took some pictures and got some Whit's Custard (super delicious). It was enjoyable to just have fun, talk and just be with each other.
I feel like I have been learning so much recently about love. It sounds weird, but I think that God continually changes my perspective of what it means to love a person. Afterall, He is the creator of love. He first loved us and to work to love people that way is a challenge that we will always fail to do the way He does. But, we can try and learn and see what it means to love as Jesus loved. I am so drawn to love like that and want people to feel that love. On this awesome day of celebrating Jesus's victory, lets remember what LOVE really looks like.
Father, I pray for all those who don't know you. I pray that they would hear the good news of your Son, Jesus. I pray that you would meet them where they are at. I ask for your love to flow through me and those who desire to love like you love, Father. Thank you for your Son, Father.., and His victory over death. Thank you for setting us free from something we could never have helped. Help us to love as you love, Father. In your Son's awesome name. Amen.
I love you friends and I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
In love,
Below is a picture of my one of my best friends, Emily, and I :)
It has been a minute since I wrote last, so there are somethings to update you on.
Note: everything has been happening at once, hence the title... but I will refrain from telling you everything.
first part :) 4/17
First, Dance Marathon 2011 is over... weird and sad! I can't believe how fast it went.
I am so proud of so many people and to be a part of this organization and the morale committee was a complete honor!
I am extremely sad to say that I did not apply for steering this year, but I knew deep down it wasn't the right thing for me at this time. It is hard to make decisions like that, but it was necessary for me. Anyway, so many friends of mine are on steering this coming year and I could not be more excited for them! They are going to blow it away and I am excited to see them: struggle, learn, grow, and come out stronger! They are so dedicated to THE KIDS and it is amazing. So, congratulations to those who are on steering and work hard! :) As for me, I am going to do some resting my senior year and focus on these ridiculous math classes who never seem to plateau, they only get harder. Me and DM, yeah we aren't over. I love that organization so much and my heart will always be tied to it. I hope to bike this year!
Second Part :) 4/24
I just got home from church with my mom and grandma and it was a great time to see people from home that I haven't seen in awhile as well as my friends who continually lift me up and encourage me. It is EASTER! I am just overflowing with celebration and love for Jesus and His awesome victory of death! Because of Him we can live a full life, that we don't deserve! So incredibly grateful. HE IS RISEN!!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter and rememebers the real reason we celebrate... the LOVE of Jesus Christ.. our savior!
Yesterday I had a wonderful day with my mom. It was so good to just have girl time and do a little shopping and spend quality time together.
Then, I got so see some friends from home... miss them so much! We just hungout for a little downtown and took some pictures and got some Whit's Custard (super delicious). It was enjoyable to just have fun, talk and just be with each other.
I feel like I have been learning so much recently about love. It sounds weird, but I think that God continually changes my perspective of what it means to love a person. Afterall, He is the creator of love. He first loved us and to work to love people that way is a challenge that we will always fail to do the way He does. But, we can try and learn and see what it means to love as Jesus loved. I am so drawn to love like that and want people to feel that love. On this awesome day of celebrating Jesus's victory, lets remember what LOVE really looks like.
Father, I pray for all those who don't know you. I pray that they would hear the good news of your Son, Jesus. I pray that you would meet them where they are at. I ask for your love to flow through me and those who desire to love like you love, Father. Thank you for your Son, Father.., and His victory over death. Thank you for setting us free from something we could never have helped. Help us to love as you love, Father. In your Son's awesome name. Amen.
I love you friends and I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
In love,
Below is a picture of my one of my best friends, Emily, and I :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Reppin da Purp :)
oh haiii
Dance Marathon is 5 days away. count 'em. FIVE.
super crazy, super sad, super happy, super excited, super nervous, super "every emotion I can think of"
I can't believe that all the work I have been putting in for 8 months is now going to be layed out in front of my eyes in a quick 32 hours!
But, It is certainly going to be a GREAT event and life changing experience! I just want to take it alllll in!
It is Dance Week which means it is the week before Dance Marathon and there are fun and crazy things going on ALL week! Not to mention that last minute things that I am doing for the Purple Team!! We have some things to do, but mostly just simple loose ends that need tied up.
Where are my manors?
If you don't know about Dance Marathon, check it out!
My goals for this year as a morale captain were:
1. get to know more people who I normally wouldn't know (check times (at least) one million)
2. get more aquatinted with Dance Marathon (check!)
3. make friends that will last a lifetime (check check check!)
4. break out of my shell (the rest of the way) note: I was kinda crazy and fun, now I am really crazy and really fun! <-- i think :)
5. grow as a leader - find my place in a group (check!)
6. grow as a person/ woman (check!)
7. raise $1000 FOR THE KIDS! (as of Friday, CHECK!)
(but it isn't to late to donate :) I would love to exceed my goal)
I gradually (over 8 months) have been building my flare basket!
This means all my PURPLE gear for the event!
My art project:

I made this tutu-- it was super fun and I am super excited to wear it.
There are many other things, but they have to stay secret until the event :)
April 2 and 3 at BGSU rec center is when the event will take place!
I encourage you to come out and support and more importantly see what it is all about. It IS life changing.
In love,
aka Captain Totes Funnyyyyy
Dance Marathon is 5 days away. count 'em. FIVE.
super crazy, super sad, super happy, super excited, super nervous, super "every emotion I can think of"
I can't believe that all the work I have been putting in for 8 months is now going to be layed out in front of my eyes in a quick 32 hours!
But, It is certainly going to be a GREAT event and life changing experience! I just want to take it alllll in!
It is Dance Week which means it is the week before Dance Marathon and there are fun and crazy things going on ALL week! Not to mention that last minute things that I am doing for the Purple Team!! We have some things to do, but mostly just simple loose ends that need tied up.
Where are my manors?
If you don't know about Dance Marathon, check it out!
My goals for this year as a morale captain were:
1. get to know more people who I normally wouldn't know (check times (at least) one million)
2. get more aquatinted with Dance Marathon (check!)
3. make friends that will last a lifetime (check check check!)
4. break out of my shell (the rest of the way) note: I was kinda crazy and fun, now I am really crazy and really fun! <-- i think :)
5. grow as a leader - find my place in a group (check!)
6. grow as a person/ woman (check!)
7. raise $1000 FOR THE KIDS! (as of Friday, CHECK!)
(but it isn't to late to donate :) I would love to exceed my goal)
I gradually (over 8 months) have been building my flare basket!
This means all my PURPLE gear for the event!
My art project:

I made this tutu-- it was super fun and I am super excited to wear it.
There are many other things, but they have to stay secret until the event :)
April 2 and 3 at BGSU rec center is when the event will take place!
I encourage you to come out and support and more importantly see what it is all about. It IS life changing.
In love,
aka Captain Totes Funnyyyyy
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
why do you do what you do?
(Note: I try to make sure my spelling is on point, but grammatically... lets just say I type to fast to focus on that! sorry if it bugs you, friends!!)
Hey friends!!
So, I haven't mentioned this on here, but I am part of Dance Marathon at BGSU and it is only 10 days away! I have been working with 17 other morale captains this whole year to be a small part of creating miracles in children's lives. It is such a wonderful experience and I have meet some amazing people through it. There is absolutely no way I would have meet these people and built a deep relationship like I have with them if it wasn't for this experience. But, I am so very grateful for those relationships and also for the opportunity to make a small impact. (alright, hold up... what is this Dance Marathon... well check it out real quick....
This past Sunday a few of us morale captains went to visit St. Vincent's Mercy Children's Hospital in Toledo. This is where the money that we raise goes to. The visit was absolutely life changing. I knew why I was doing this, and why I have put every single thing I have into this cause this past year, but it clicked even deeper. Our group had the wonderful opportunity to go to the NICU where the babies were. oh. my. gosh. They were just adorable. These babies were all prematurely born, so they were the tiniest babies I had EVER seen. There was talk about babies who had come through and were addicts. This could be to drugs or alcohol. That hit me... hard. It was so incredibly sad to think about these babies who are already having problems because they don;t have enough fat to keep them warm, or they have another problem from being born so early. But, there was hope. The hope was found in the nurses eyes. The same nurses who thanked us, over and over again. They kept telling us how much of an impact we make. I believed it. I am so incredibly thankful to be apart of it.
Last night was our dmx (morale captain meeting) and we got to do some work that we really aren't used to, and it was nice. We got to help out Dancer Relations and just hangout sing, dance and have some fun together. Yet, I felt empty when I left. exhausted. Even being among these awesome people and having a good time, I left sad, angry.
alright Maddy... that's enough. You don't have the right to be angry, sad. That's what I kept thinking all night. And you know what, I don't, because this organization and the commitment I have made is not about me. It is about these kids that I saw in the hospital and those I didn't. It is about the kids who fight every single day for their lives. It is for the kids how wake up in the hospital, praying that they don't have a fever so they get to play in the toy room for hours upon end. I do this because these kids need hope!
When you look at it that way, who cares what I have done, it doesn't matter. Hard work builds character, and so does getting let down. So, I picked myself up by the boot straps and I am ready to continue my hard work FOR THE KIDS! Will you join me in thinking and praying for these kids, the Dance Marathon steering, executive members, core committees who only have 10 short days before the event? I appreciate your support friends and I appreciate YOU in my life!
In Love,
P.S. if you want to get involved with dance marathon visit and sign up... if you would like to financially support me visit my page!
Hey friends!!
So, I haven't mentioned this on here, but I am part of Dance Marathon at BGSU and it is only 10 days away! I have been working with 17 other morale captains this whole year to be a small part of creating miracles in children's lives. It is such a wonderful experience and I have meet some amazing people through it. There is absolutely no way I would have meet these people and built a deep relationship like I have with them if it wasn't for this experience. But, I am so very grateful for those relationships and also for the opportunity to make a small impact. (alright, hold up... what is this Dance Marathon... well check it out real quick....
This past Sunday a few of us morale captains went to visit St. Vincent's Mercy Children's Hospital in Toledo. This is where the money that we raise goes to. The visit was absolutely life changing. I knew why I was doing this, and why I have put every single thing I have into this cause this past year, but it clicked even deeper. Our group had the wonderful opportunity to go to the NICU where the babies were. oh. my. gosh. They were just adorable. These babies were all prematurely born, so they were the tiniest babies I had EVER seen. There was talk about babies who had come through and were addicts. This could be to drugs or alcohol. That hit me... hard. It was so incredibly sad to think about these babies who are already having problems because they don;t have enough fat to keep them warm, or they have another problem from being born so early. But, there was hope. The hope was found in the nurses eyes. The same nurses who thanked us, over and over again. They kept telling us how much of an impact we make. I believed it. I am so incredibly thankful to be apart of it.
Last night was our dmx (morale captain meeting) and we got to do some work that we really aren't used to, and it was nice. We got to help out Dancer Relations and just hangout sing, dance and have some fun together. Yet, I felt empty when I left. exhausted. Even being among these awesome people and having a good time, I left sad, angry.
alright Maddy... that's enough. You don't have the right to be angry, sad. That's what I kept thinking all night. And you know what, I don't, because this organization and the commitment I have made is not about me. It is about these kids that I saw in the hospital and those I didn't. It is about the kids who fight every single day for their lives. It is for the kids how wake up in the hospital, praying that they don't have a fever so they get to play in the toy room for hours upon end. I do this because these kids need hope!
When you look at it that way, who cares what I have done, it doesn't matter. Hard work builds character, and so does getting let down. So, I picked myself up by the boot straps and I am ready to continue my hard work FOR THE KIDS! Will you join me in thinking and praying for these kids, the Dance Marathon steering, executive members, core committees who only have 10 short days before the event? I appreciate your support friends and I appreciate YOU in my life!
In Love,
P.S. if you want to get involved with dance marathon visit and sign up... if you would like to financially support me visit my page!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Beauty... in sixth grade!
Hey there BEAUTIFUL friends,
Last week was my spring break and I spent the weekend with some awesome people from the Delaware area and some youngsters (3rd-5th graders) at Winter Camp. I enjoyed the kids (they made me feel kinda old :)) and seeing them grow and begin to understand who they are, and who Jesus is!
Then, on Sunday I caught an early flight to Florida with my grandma. It was a good week. We did lots of shopping, and walking around Delray Beach. I got to know my grandma a little better which was nice. We had not been around each other for a week straight (for a long time). Anyway, it was a nice break, and then I returned Saturday night. I got to spend time with my family and friends Saturday night through Sunday. I loved break so much that I didn't drive back to BG until Monday morning. But, before I left I went with my mom to school for her first class period. I had to get some shots for my photography course, and who better to shoot than my crazy, awesome mom! ;)
While I was there, I sat at her desk while she did her thing. I noticed this girl who sat at the back of the room. She was wearing a BRIGHT pink dress with sparkles all over, heels, and her shoulder length hair nicely straightened, and the front pulled back with a clip. She was such a cutie! It was her day to present her national disaster project. My mom has them dress up for this. Anyway, this girl looked like a rock star! That was a dress I would have worn to a homecoming in high school! It was great.
Then, being the creeper that I am I was listening to a conversation she was having with the girl next to her. She was irate that her mother would not let her wear makeup. (She was grounded... from makeup.) She proceeded to get up and march to the bathroom covering her face. A few minutes later she returned in big sunglasses (you know the big lensed glasses that women wear these days) so you couldn't see her eyes and half of her cheeks. She kept talking about how horrible she looked and she just couldn't show herself without makeup.
I was shocked. completely shocked. 6th grade. I wanted to stop my mom in mid sentence and talk about beauty to these 6th grade girls. I am sure the boys would have thought I was insane. But, I couldn't help thinking-- They are so YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL!! I just wanted to tell them that so bad! When we put on makeup and all of these things that supposedly make us "beautiful" we forget that we are beautiful just the way we are, the way we were CREATED!! Then I realized, I am guilty as well. I go out without make sometimes, but I am tough on myself about how I look. How can these young girls believe they are beautiful just the way they were made if the older women around them don't believe it(and live it out)? That morning I had a new outlook on what it meant to be a women of Christ. It does mean being encouraging, loving, and all the things we can find in the scriptures. BUT, it also means being a role model for these young girls. THEY need us to know (and truly believe) that we are beautiful...not because of the products we use, but because we were created in the image of Christ... The MOST BEAUTIFUL image!
So, man or woman, young or old... YOU are beautiful. Let us start believing it!
In Love,
Last week was my spring break and I spent the weekend with some awesome people from the Delaware area and some youngsters (3rd-5th graders) at Winter Camp. I enjoyed the kids (they made me feel kinda old :)) and seeing them grow and begin to understand who they are, and who Jesus is!
Then, on Sunday I caught an early flight to Florida with my grandma. It was a good week. We did lots of shopping, and walking around Delray Beach. I got to know my grandma a little better which was nice. We had not been around each other for a week straight (for a long time). Anyway, it was a nice break, and then I returned Saturday night. I got to spend time with my family and friends Saturday night through Sunday. I loved break so much that I didn't drive back to BG until Monday morning. But, before I left I went with my mom to school for her first class period. I had to get some shots for my photography course, and who better to shoot than my crazy, awesome mom! ;)
While I was there, I sat at her desk while she did her thing. I noticed this girl who sat at the back of the room. She was wearing a BRIGHT pink dress with sparkles all over, heels, and her shoulder length hair nicely straightened, and the front pulled back with a clip. She was such a cutie! It was her day to present her national disaster project. My mom has them dress up for this. Anyway, this girl looked like a rock star! That was a dress I would have worn to a homecoming in high school! It was great.
Then, being the creeper that I am I was listening to a conversation she was having with the girl next to her. She was irate that her mother would not let her wear makeup. (She was grounded... from makeup.) She proceeded to get up and march to the bathroom covering her face. A few minutes later she returned in big sunglasses (you know the big lensed glasses that women wear these days) so you couldn't see her eyes and half of her cheeks. She kept talking about how horrible she looked and she just couldn't show herself without makeup.
I was shocked. completely shocked. 6th grade. I wanted to stop my mom in mid sentence and talk about beauty to these 6th grade girls. I am sure the boys would have thought I was insane. But, I couldn't help thinking-- They are so YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL!! I just wanted to tell them that so bad! When we put on makeup and all of these things that supposedly make us "beautiful" we forget that we are beautiful just the way we are, the way we were CREATED!! Then I realized, I am guilty as well. I go out without make sometimes, but I am tough on myself about how I look. How can these young girls believe they are beautiful just the way they were made if the older women around them don't believe it(and live it out)? That morning I had a new outlook on what it meant to be a women of Christ. It does mean being encouraging, loving, and all the things we can find in the scriptures. BUT, it also means being a role model for these young girls. THEY need us to know (and truly believe) that we are beautiful...not because of the products we use, but because we were created in the image of Christ... The MOST BEAUTIFUL image!
So, man or woman, young or old... YOU are beautiful. Let us start believing it!
In Love,
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A Beautiful Responsibility
Lately, I feel like I have just been going through the motions.
It is a really uncomfortable place to be. I know I am learning and growing, but am I really grabbing every opportunity to love people? Probably not.
My spring break starts THIS FRIDAY. YES. :)
I have the opportunity to LOVE on some beautiful young girls and watch God do His beautiful work in their hearts. Then, I am on my way to FLORIDA with my grandma. Sounds like the best spring break any girl could ask for. ;)
But, lets go back to the opportunity I have been given.
Since I stopped leading Young Life, life has been drastically different. (that is a whole other post.. keep your eyes peeled) But, I am super excited to spend time with young beautiful girls this weekend and help them see even a glimpse of their King!
I have been reminded (the past few days) of the fact that I have no right to speak into these girls lives. But, that Jesus has choosen me as His tool to do that. What a beautiful responsibility! I am so thankful for it!
I am excited to see how this weekend grows these girls, but also to see how it grows me!
May God do His beautiful work in your life this week, friends!
In Love,
It is a really uncomfortable place to be. I know I am learning and growing, but am I really grabbing every opportunity to love people? Probably not.
My spring break starts THIS FRIDAY. YES. :)
I have the opportunity to LOVE on some beautiful young girls and watch God do His beautiful work in their hearts. Then, I am on my way to FLORIDA with my grandma. Sounds like the best spring break any girl could ask for. ;)
But, lets go back to the opportunity I have been given.
Since I stopped leading Young Life, life has been drastically different. (that is a whole other post.. keep your eyes peeled) But, I am super excited to spend time with young beautiful girls this weekend and help them see even a glimpse of their King!
I have been reminded (the past few days) of the fact that I have no right to speak into these girls lives. But, that Jesus has choosen me as His tool to do that. What a beautiful responsibility! I am so thankful for it!
I am excited to see how this weekend grows these girls, but also to see how it grows me!
May God do His beautiful work in your life this week, friends!
In Love,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
hey friends!
I have not been doing a tremendous amount of shooting lately... but I am taking a photo class at BGSU!
It is a great getaway when I am sick of doing Math. :)
But, for our first assignment we had to do a self portrait, without us in it. So, it was a photograph of what we are like.
Here is the result (after hundreds of ideas, shots, I am pleased with how it came out).
I have not been doing a tremendous amount of shooting lately... but I am taking a photo class at BGSU!
It is a great getaway when I am sick of doing Math. :)
But, for our first assignment we had to do a self portrait, without us in it. So, it was a photograph of what we are like.
Here is the result (after hundreds of ideas, shots, I am pleased with how it came out).

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Who is this Maddy Brown character?

- Maddy Brown
- United States
- I am guessing you want to know what I do! Well, I am a college student, daughter, sister, friend, and lover of Jesus Christ. Loving people is a passion of mine! Contact me by email: if you would like to see some of my work go here: