Dance Marathon is 5 days away. count 'em. FIVE.
super crazy, super sad, super happy, super excited, super nervous, super "every emotion I can think of"
I can't believe that all the work I have been putting in for 8 months is now going to be layed out in front of my eyes in a quick 32 hours!
But, It is certainly going to be a GREAT event and life changing experience! I just want to take it alllll in!
It is Dance Week which means it is the week before Dance Marathon and there are fun and crazy things going on ALL week! Not to mention that last minute things that I am doing for the Purple Team!! We have some things to do, but mostly just simple loose ends that need tied up.
Where are my manors?
If you don't know about Dance Marathon, check it out!
My goals for this year as a morale captain were:
1. get to know more people who I normally wouldn't know (check times (at least) one million)
2. get more aquatinted with Dance Marathon (check!)
3. make friends that will last a lifetime (check check check!)
4. break out of my shell (the rest of the way) note: I was kinda crazy and fun, now I am really crazy and really fun! <-- i think :)
5. grow as a leader - find my place in a group (check!)
6. grow as a person/ woman (check!)
7. raise $1000 FOR THE KIDS! (as of Friday, CHECK!)
(but it isn't to late to donate :) I would love to exceed my goal)
I gradually (over 8 months) have been building my flare basket!
This means all my PURPLE gear for the event!
My art project:

I made this tutu-- it was super fun and I am super excited to wear it.
There are many other things, but they have to stay secret until the event :)
April 2 and 3 at BGSU rec center is when the event will take place!
I encourage you to come out and support and more importantly see what it is all about. It IS life changing.
In love,
aka Captain Totes Funnyyyyy
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